A dark comedy based on Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’. This 1990 adaptation features a deliciously wicked performance from Angelica Huston as Grand High Witch and imaginative puppetry by Jim Henson’s creature shop (The Muppet Show). May not be suitable for children under 8 years old who may be scared by some scenes.
While staying at a hotel in England with his grandmother, Luke spies on a convention of witches and learns of their plan to turn all children into mice through a magical formula.
A chance to get in the mood for Halloween with optional fancy dress. The will be a prize for the best home-made Halloween costume.
Thursday 31 October 2024
Doors 1:45pm Film 2:00pm
Tickets £2.50
Free drink and snack for children. Tea, coffee and biscuits for adults for donations